Chen Jianhong is currently an associate professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the University of New Hampshire and Research Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship Research at the University of New Hampshire. Dr. Chen received her master’s degree in Management from the School of Management, Shandong University in 2009 and her doctoral degree in Strategic Management from Drexel University in 2014.
Dr. Chen’s main research areas are strategic leadership, time management, innovation and entrepreneurship, venture financing and dynamic competition. She has published several articles in internationally renowned academic journals, including Academy of Management Journal (AMJ), Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ), Strategic Management Journal (SMJ), Journal of Business Venturing (JBV), Journal of Management (JOM), and Leadership Quarterly (LQ). According to Google Scholar, Dr. Chen’s work has been cited more than 500 times. Dr. Chen is a member of the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Journal and Journal of Management, and an Associate Editor of Group & Organization Management (GOM). Dr. Chen has received the Excellent Thesis Award and the Management Research and Practice Award of the International Management Institute in 2013 and 2016 respectively, the Distinguished Research Award of the University of New Hampshire in 2017, the Tenure Track of the University of New Hampshire in 2020, and the Distinguished MBA Teaching Award in 2021.