On the morning of May 17th, Associate Professor Zhou Zhiqing (Albert) from the Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University was invited to give an academic report titled “Workplace Mistreatment: Antecedents and Outcomes”. Associate Professor Song Zhaoli from the National University of Singapore, and Tang Guiyao, Vice Dean of the School of Management, attended the report. Associate Professor Liu Depeng presided over the report.
Focusing on the topic of “Workplace Mistreatment”, Associate Professor Zhou shared his report from the aspects of its phenomenons, concepts, antecedents, outcomes, and future research directions. Began with rich examples and data, he revealed the prevalence of various types of workplace mistreatment. He then made a multi-dimensional analysis of the antecedents of workplace mistreatment, sorted out the outcomes triggered by the behaviour, and presented a series of in-depth research he has conducted in this area. He pointed out that prevention mechanisms and intervention strategies for workplace mistreatment should become the priority of future research. After the report, Associate Professor Zhou carried out deep exchanges with participating teachers and students on the research object, research methodology, intervention mechanism, and possible directions for future research.
Zhiqing (Albert) Zhou is an Associate Professor of the Department of Mental Health of the Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University. His main research interests include occupational health psychology, workplace mental health, workplace mistreatment, employee work-nonwork interface, workplace illegitimate tasks, sleep, substance use, health behaviors, etc. He has published papers in international journals, such as Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Human Relations, Journal of Business Ethics, and Work & Stress. He is also an associate editor of Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Group & Organization Management, and Stress & Health.