Yao Hongjiang
Title: Assistant Professor
Tel: (86) (531) 88365868
Email: yaohj_sdu@sdu.edu.cn
Research Areas: International Engineering Contract Management, Risk Management and Resilience of Engineering Supply Chain, Low-Carbon Policy Evaluation

Education Background
2012.09-2016.06 Bachelor of Management, Shandong University
2016.09-2018.08 Master of Management, Tianjin University
2018.09-2022.06 Doctor of Management, Tianjin University
2020.12-2022.02 Visiting Scholar, School of Management, Queen’s University Belfast

Social Services
1. 1.Anonymous reviewer of journals including Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, and Advances in Civil Engineering
2. 2.Anonymous reviewer of Engineering Project Organization Conference 2020

Undergraduate: Specialty English for Project Management

1. H Yao, Y Chen, Y Zhang, M Zhang, Y Zhang. Managing Contract Violations in Construction Projects: A Moderated Mediating Model of Enforcement Decisions. Production, Planning and Control, 2022.
2. K Wang, L J. Zheng, J Z Zhang, H Yao. The Impact of Promoting New Energy Vehicles on Carbon Intensity: Causal Evidence from China. Energy Economics, 2022.
3. J Yang, Y Chen, H Yao, B Zhang. Machine Learning-Driven Model to Analyze Particular Conditions of Contract: A Multifunctional and Risk Perspective. Journal of Management in Engineering, 2022.
4. H Yao, Y Chen, Y Zhang, B Du. Contractual and Relational Enforcement in the Aftermath of Contract Violations: The Role of Contracts and Trust. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2021.
5. H Yao, Y Chen, Y Chen, X Zhu. Mediating Role of Risk Perception of Trust and Contract Enforcement in the Construction Industry. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2019.
6.Y Chen, Y Chen, Z Liu, H Yao. Influence of Prior Ties on Trust in Contract Enforcement in the Construction Industry: Moderating Role of the Shadow of the Future. Journal of Management in Engineering, 2018.
7.Y Zhang, Y Wang, H Yao. How Does the Embeddedness of Relational Behaviours in Contractual Relations Influence Inter-Organisational Trust in Construction Projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2020.
8.C Shi, Y Chen, J You, H Yao. Asset Specificity and Contractors’ Opportunistic Behavior: Moderating Roles of Contract and Trust. Journal of Management in Engineering, 2018.
9.Y Chen, Y Wu, S Hajikazemi, H Yao, O J Ebohon. To Be or Not to Be: Why Do Transaction Partners in Construction Industry Avoid Formulating Agreements into Contract Documents? 2022 CIB Conference, 2022.
10.Y Chen, H Yao, S Xie. Engineer/Owner’s Representative in the New FIDIC Series Contract Conditions. Journal of International Economic Cooperation, 2019.
11.Y Zhang, H Yao, Y Chen. The Effect of Contract Violation on Enforcement in the Construction Industry: The Moderating Role of Asset Specificity. Journal of Engineering Management, 2019.

1. Research into Effective Domain of Transaction Mode of Engineering Project (General Project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China)
2. Research into the Management of Subcontractor’s Breach by Chinese Foreign Contracted Engineering Enterprises (Tianjin Research Innovation Project for Postgraduate Students supported by Tianjin Municipal Education Commission)