Kyoungmin Lee
Title: Associate Professor
Tel: (86) (531) 88362186
Research Areas: Sharing economy, real and fake online reviews, tourist psychology, smart tourism

Education Background
2000 Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Sungshin Women's University (South Korea)
2003 Master of Psychology, Korea University (South Korea)
2019 Doctor of Tourism, Kyung Hee University (South Korea)

Undergraduate students: Tourism Consumption Behavior, Scenic Spot Management

1. Subjective Perception Patterns of Online Reviews: A Comparison of Utilitarian and Hedonic Values. Information Processing & Management, 2019, 56: 1439-1456.
2. The Way that Generation Y Enjoy a Jazz Festival: The Case of the Korean (Jarasum) Music Festival. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 2019.
3. In Airbnb We Trust: Understanding Consumers’ Trust-Attachment Building Mechanisms in The Sharing Economy. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2018.
4. The Application of Aristotle’s Rhetorical Theory to the Sharing Economy. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2018, 35(7): 938-957.
5. Assessing the Impact of Mobile Technology on Exhibition Attendees’ Unplanned Booth Visit Behavior. Sustainability, 2017, (09): 1-15.
6. Understanding the Smart Tourism Ecosystem with Macro Level: From Modified Balanced Scorecard Information System Circumstances. Journal of the Korea Service Management Society, 2019, forthcoming..
7. The Complement of Destination and Convention Relationship: Applying Balance Theory. The Journal of Internet Electronic Commerce Research, 2019, 19(2): 127-150.
8. A Study of the Sharing Economy Ecosystem in the 4th Industrial Revolution: A Focused on Uber. Korea Knowledge Management Society, 2018, 19(1): 175-202.
9. The Effects of Push and Pull Motivation Factors: A Focus on Railroad Travelers with Families. Korea Business Review, 2017, 21(2): 175-200.
10. An Empirical Study of Trust Building through Privacy Policies in Sharing Economy: The Accumulated Effects of Cultural Background. Journal of the Korea Service Management Society, 2017, 18(2): 315-340.
11. Impacts of Financial Supports or Non-Financial Support on MICE Participants’ Loyalty: Accumulated Effects of Coupons. International Journal of Tourism Management and Sciences, 2017, 32(6): 117-139.
12. The Effects of IT Usage of Onsite Exhibitions and its Overall Effectiveness toward Attendees’ Satisfaction. The Journal of Internet Electronic Commerce Research, 2016, 16(6): 77-94.
13. The Impacts of Perceived Values about Convention Centers and Events on Behavioral Intention. Korea Trade Exhibition Review, 2016, 11(3): 163-192.

1. Creating Shared Value through a Smart Tourism Ecosystem Project (National Research Foundation of Korea)
2. BK+21 Program of Innovative MICE Talent Cultivation (National Research Foundation of Korea)
3. Development of a B2B Platform for Domestic Hiking Safety Information (Korea Culture & Tourism Institute)
4. Study of the China-South Korea Smart Tourism Competitiveness Index (National Research Foundation of Korea)
5. Research into Life Quality Improvements from Railways (Korea Railroad Research Institutes)