Yang Tingrong
Title: Associate Professor
Tel: 0531-88364664
Email: tingrong@sdu.edu.cn
Research Areas: Corporate Financial Management Theory and Method, Audit Theory and Practice, Group Financial Management, Ecological Accounting

Education Background
Bachelor of Management (Accounting), Xiamen University
Master of Arts in Economics, Shandong University

Undergraduate: Auditing, Financial Management, Accounting
Master/Ph.D: Audit Theory and Practice, Corporate Financial Management Topics, Corporate Finance,Corporate Financial Management

1. Intangible Assets Audit Risk Research: Intangible Assets Theory and Practice (The Third National Intangible Assets Theory and Practice Seminar). Hubei Science & Technology Publishing House, 2002.
2. Intangible Asset Investment Risk Management. China Economic Review (USA), 2003 (Special Issue of the Fourth National Symposium on Intangible Asset Theory and Practice).
3. Green EVA: Economic Value Added Based on Expected Eco-Efficiency. Journal of Northeastern University (Social Science), 2017, 19(02):147-152, 159.
4. Correctly Implementing the Centralized Industrial Organization Policy. Shandong Economic Strategy Research, 1998(03):26-27.
5. Industrial Policy to Promote the Transformation of the Shandong Agricultural Economic Growth Mode. Journal of Shandong University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 1997(04):110-113.

1. Research into Improving the Competitiveness of High-tech Enterprises in Shandong Province through a Green EVA Value Management System (Soft Science Project of Shandong Province)
2. Evaluation of the Investment Value of High-Tech Products (Project of Humanities and Social Science of Shandong University)
3. Research into the Risk Management of High-Tech Product Investment (Enterprise-funded project)
4. Design of an Enterprise Cost Control System Based on Supply Chains (Enterprise-funded project)
5. Design of an Enterprise Performance Evaluation and Incentive System Based on Green EVA (Enterprise-funded project)
6. Management Innovation of the General Tobacco Group (Enterprise-funded project)
7. Development Strategy and Management Innovation in the 11th Five-Year Plan of the Shandong Expressway Group (Enterprise-funded project)