Education Background2011-2015 Bachelor of English and Finance, Xi’an Jiaotong University2015-2022 Doctor of Business Administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University
1. Shu, C., Liu, Aiqing, Nakata, C. How Does Face Influence the Purchase of Imitative New Products? Moderating Roles of Product Design Characteristics. Psychology & Marketing, 2020, 37(11), 1601-1618.2. Liu Aiqing, Shu Chengli, Gaoshanxing. Challenges of 3D Printing Technologies for Innovation Application and Suggestions. Soft Science, 2019, 33(4), 86-90.3. Liu, Aiqing, Shu, C. Xiao, Z. How Do Entrepreneurial Orientation and Political Ties Collectively Influence Corporate Reputation? The Moderating Roles of Institutional Environments. Academy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management, 2021.4.Liu, Aiqing, Shu, C. The Paradox in Purchasing Imitative New Products: Roles of Consumer Dialectical Thinking, Product Design, and National Culture. Marketing Management Proceedings, Marketing Management Association, 2021.