1. Huo, B., Tian, M., Tian, Y., Zhang, Q.*. The Dilemma of Inter-Organizational Relationships: Dependence, Use of Power and Their Impacts on Opportunism, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2019, 39 (1): 2-23.
2. Wang, K., Huo B., Tian, M.*. How to Protect Specific Investments: The Role of Customer Integration and Transformational Leadership, International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, 232.
3. Yang, L., Huo, B., Tian, M.*, Han, Z.. The Impact of Digitalization and Inter-Organizational Technological Activity on Supplier Opportunism: The Moderating Role of Relational Tie, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2021, 41 (7): 1085-1118.
4. Huo, B., Liu, R., Tian, M. *. The Bright Side of Dependence Asymmetry: Mitigating Power Use and Facilitating Relational Ties, International Journal of Production Economics, 2022, 251.
5. Tian, M., Huo B., Park, Y., Kang, M.*. Enablers of Supply Chain Integration: A Technology-Organization-Environment View, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2021, 121 (8): 1871-1895.
6. Tian, M., Huo, B.*, Tian, Y.. The Effect of the Dependence Structure on the Response to Power Asymmetry in Buyer-Supplier Relationships, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2022, 52 (2): 170-189.
7. Huo, B., Guo, M., Tian, M.*. The Effects of Firm’s Specific Investments on Firm’s Market Performance: The Mediating Role of Innovation, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Accept, 2022.