Education Background2016-2021 Doctor of Management, Peking University2013-2016 Master of Management, Lanzhou University2009-2013 Bachelor of Management, Qinghai University 2019.09-2020.09 Visiting scholar, Naveen Jindal School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas
1. Wang, Y., Xiao, S. & Ren, R. A Moral Cleansing Process: How and When Does Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior Increase Prohibitive and Promotive Voice [J]. Journal of Business Ethics, 2021. Accepted and online: Xiao Shufeng & Li Can. How High-performing Firms Choose Between Explorative and Exploitative Innovation. Studies in Science of Science, 2020, 38(02):334-345. 3. Wu Jianzu & Xiao Shufeng. Innovation Attention Shift, R&D Spending Leap and Firm Performance: Evidence from China. Nankai Business Review, 2016, 18(2):165-181. 4. Wu Jianzu & Xiao Shufeng. Organizational Antecedents and Performance Consequence of Organizational Ambidexterity: A Meta-analysis. Forecasting, 2016, 35(4):22-27. 5. Wu Jianzu & Xiao Shufeng. R&D Investment Leap and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Ambidextrous Innovative Attention. Studies in Science of Science, 2015, 33(10):1538-1546.